Proving We Bake The Best

Welcome to Lawlor’s Bakery.
We are based in Henley on Thames and supply wholesale bread to hotels, cafe’s, shops, restaurants, sports complexes, bars and caterers across Oxon, Bucks and Berkshire. We provide our bread and pastry range to everyone from Michelin Star Chefs and the owners of little country stores.
Regardless of who you are we provide a personal service second to none and every order receives the same attention to detail and customer service.
Contact us for no obligation chat and our free sample box

“The smell of good bread baking, like the sound of lightly flowing water, is indescribable in its evocation of innocence and delight.”
– M. F. K. Fisher

Love Lawlor's - The Retailer
Coming Soon.....Henley's longest running bakery, established in 1948, will be opening again in Bell Street, right in the centre of town where you can experience great tasting artisan bread and confectionary.
We are upholding our long standing traditions of a good bakery and will be back again at the heart of our thriving community. Drop in or come register for a click and collect service. And yes, Lawlors Lardy Cake is making a comeback !

Bakery Experience Days
Coming soon, we will be collaborating with another of Henley's best to establish the Bakery Experience Day with our very own John Swift from BBC program "The Victorian Baker". If you are prepared for an early morning start then why not contact us for tuition and an insight into a working artisan bakery